Decoration: Construction and ac低她ceptance of aluminum ceilings

Release time:

2022-12-28 10:11

The aluminum ceiling has t還金wo installation metho鐵河ds: light steel keel and wooden 物女square keel, because the wooden sq市信uare will be deformed by the influenc月鄉e of temperature and humidity. (文子Look at the solid wood floor a術兒nd door of your home in wet summer a金火nd dry in winter. The weather's def通劇ormation degree, everyo間議ne knows). In this way, over time, s用白ome wood pieces have large deformation遠長 and some small ones. The final re議制sult is uneven deformation of the ce作但iling. Instead, use a light steel keel地習 to install it. S嗎相ince all the materials on the ceilin場看g are metal, the defor數煙mation is minimized, so the light st科友eel keel installation method is the mo外作st preferable.  &樹亮nbsp;   

The cost of the ceiling is composed of我校 three parts. The first is the aluminu暗業m ceiling money (according to the are音白a of ​​the owner ’s house, which i數窗s cut to size); the second is the cor光能ner material money. Generally, the d和區ealer will help you calcula湖民te what you need according t工房o the situation o能廠f your home. How many corners; the 東資third part is artificial money.

Precautions for acceptance of a術快luminum ceilings: Aluminum ceilings an報刀d supporting keels are formed鄉話 from metal she拿她ets. The connection form of 兒錯aluminum ceilings is insert type書南. In order to ensure tha玩計t the connection is flat and not lo短費ose, the size of the con你什nection structure should be more acc妹謝urate. The adjus微廠tment range is s街了mall and the installat分男ion requirements are high. The installa訊線tion level directly determines the 技自use effect. Many user舞愛s say that when the關可 cheap aluminum plate i你國s purchased, the懂木 connection between the plate and 老民the keel will occur when it 湖計is used for less than half 不物a year. Therefore, I re呢行mind everyone that if t森嗎he top frame is unevenly installed or t熱有he keel or aluminum ceilin自訊g is deformed, Intermediate hard i友習nsertion will cause unev計還en aluminum ceilings. Here, w黑高e recommend that yo自服u buy aluminum ce秒線ilings of good quality and perfect afte拍票r-sales service.

In order to avoid unev湖工enness of the aluminum ceiling, the f光房ollowing points should be noticed du生站ring the decoration con著街struction process:

(L) The purchased aluminum ceiling a術暗nd its associated keel and 鐵要accessories sha船車ll meet the quality 器煙requirements of the produc生我t and shall not be deformed.

(2) During transportati自不on and stacking, aluminum ceili車紅ngs should be laid flat, n子小ot under pressure, and avo林對id high temperature and 木身harmful substance erosion.

(3) The keel is installed fl頻草at, and the distance deviation sh們很ould be controlled within the al她日lowable range of 1.5 meters.

(4) When the aluminum c男是eiling is installed, if there is 體女a deviation in size, it should南好 be adjusted first and 遠暗then inserted in order. It mus影刀t not be inserted hard to prevent defor通房mation.

(5) Large lamps, exh媽票aust fans, etc. should be keeled sep火看arately and sho人拿uld not be placed direct藍說ly on the aluminum ceiling.

As long as you can pa書少y attention to the above five points, 間拍you can basically a雨西chieve the strong effect of aluminum 還制ceilings and avoid unevenness. 綠風During the construction process, obs讀媽ervation and inspection ca電話n be carried out by 著但means of a ruler and a manual t街醫est when necessary.

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