Venezuelan custom機和er-specific colo票錢rs --- mud yellow aluminum-森知plastic board suc話船cessfully completed!

Release time:

2022-12-28 10:08

On May 9, 2017, Ven近廠ezuelan customer Mr. Husse林音in and his secr鄉章etary visited us to c火行heck and accept their orders. Sa舊錢tisfied with their customized放聽 colors and our delive票件ry, customers use wooden bo舊學xes for product packaging to en錯懂hance protection.

This is also our old customer 商這and it is the seco學做nd time to place an order. I ho兒動pe that we can work together 數視to jointly devel腦見op the local building and decorativ海為e materials market in Venezuela.

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