Aluminum gusset is not 很我thick, care about material 一黃and texture

Release time:

2022-12-28 10:11

The integrated ceiling i友自s an integration of the four func科道tions of heating業空, ventilation, 鐵暗lighting, and metal ceilings, t北亮hat is, the installation of化也 heating, ventilation, light醫北ing, sound effects in the 體報kitchen and bathroom, and m白高etal ceiling installation i西快n one step, all by the manuf謝現acturer. The integrated suspended ce店家iling has the characteristics 為習of elegant appearance, c風議onvenient installatio科子n, and uniform sty家海le. It has won the favor of home吧區 improvement consumers in ju刀個st 3 years after ente但費ring the market舞就 and has spread r綠答apidly at an al你又arming rate. The integrated integr分友ated ceiling can maximize the family&刀女#39;s personalized needs for high stan些水dards of kitchen and bathroom decora鄉技tion. However, some merchants use cons視他umers' incom對舞prehension and use 吧鐵various technical terms a來不nd concepts to confuse the audiovisu理子al and make a profit. The sit土為uation is not uncomm問要on.  
Aluminum gusset is not thick, care a靜高bout material and筆舊 texture
In order to confuse the a會議udience, many bu得水sinesses often u化見se the thickness of the gusset as a腦飛 reason to sell it at h鄉要igh prices. As 數器everyone knows, the com答章monly used aluminum gussets ar草慢e divided into 報頻low, medium, and high gra制厭des, including only 視離roll-coated plates, coated plates, Ther謝微e are three materials for the oxi南醫de plate, and the uni習路fication of these three mate請見rials is formed b子匠y different treatments on t工國he surface of the aluminum s她服ubstrate. According to t哥和he developers of the integrat志答ed ceiling technology, the base mater姐間ial of the aluminum gusset 可議is generally selecte什資d from aluminum-magnesium alloy. The 通讀thickness of the alumi站機num gusset can be between 0.在美6mm and 0.7mm to ensure that it will吃廠 not deform. Inferior aluminum cei大為lings use recycled alumi間知num waste materials, which not onl樂商y cannot be made thin, but a業朋lso are prone to rus生裡t and surface peeling. At the same t鐘飛ime, of the three materials,電金 the coating material of the c快拿oated plate and the coating of the ro務西ller coated plate店化 are more likely to 黑友be used by non-friendly manufacturers 友喝with non-environment-frie音城ndly low-quality 年歌coating layers and coatings, w時一hich not only fade and p雜話eel quickly, but 近知also more Hazardous gas is relea睡長sed during use, causin也她g "decoration pollution"呢頻;.
Appliance safety is important
The integration of int日樹egrated suspended cei為兒lings actually includes tw但低o core items, one is the s如東uspended ceiling and the other is the e我市lectrical appliances. Integ煙妹rated ceilings are a combination of hou現件sehold appliances and tradi人志tional ceilings, which is why t兵票he ceilings in bathrooms are ev金木en more important. Ho服長wever, in recent years, accidents such知黑 as explosions o費票f heating lamps and fi謝也res caused by wind heating have bee電件n endless. The root cause 也這is that the low-priced p草聽roducts made by poor m件明anufacturers us飛愛ing poor-quality elect開跳rical appliances are not分文 guaranteed, and consume校快rs can easily cause hidden safety 志校hazards during use. According 農書to industry exper化中ts, the core part of the in匠媽tegrated ceiling is elec笑房trical appliances. There文機fore, if the electri兵醫cal and product match is 100車物%, consumers can take the easiest光些 and most worry-fr刀什ee way-purchase reliable products ind年見ependently launc街又hed by famous brand electrical manuf關拿acturers, such as Industry brands laun線廠ched "six-guarantee h那煙eating lamps", "錯錢five breakthrough ventilat坐林ors", "four major c煙物haracteristics of illumina務又tors", etc., combined with related到火 ceiling gussets, 吃費not only the performance can be就校 more perfectly integrated, the styl說嗎e is also more Be able to unify.
Auxiliary materials are key笑通, "triangular structure"新月; is the most secure
When customers choose動國 integrated ceilings, they are 到放often misled by the bus她頻iness and focus only on the m區愛aterials that can be seen after insta低風llation. To increase profits, manu土也facturers use auxiliary materials (店草the main frame part of the in老道stallation, including triangular 男章keel, main keel, hanging的內 Rods, hangers, etc.).要姐 Compared with the integrated ceiling可讀, the auxiliary material文村s are equivalent to the foundation 算道and beams of the building黑用. Many ceilings have been install科空ed for less than two yea拿呢rs, and the def外了ormation, sinking會文 and even collapse of the ceiling ar船日e caused by the corrosion of the 唱請auxiliary materials or the inability to討土 bear the load.
The product is only a草少 semi-finished 西報product, design and installa長要tion are very important
Integrated susp弟農ended ceiling, three points and seven p身愛oints. What we can bu的章y at each brand store in clear-cod村樂ed prices is just cold metal水民 materials, and t時你hese materials can only be器短 transformed into integr來視ated ceilings that fit th用農e overall style of the home decorat體中ion through prof路商essional designer但慢s and installers. Ther不知efore, when purchasing integrated ceili紙森ngs, consumers should我書 pay attention to whethe懂火r the installers have relevant q道些ualification certificates in a家請ddition to choosing trusted brands in 姐外order to provide 輛玩themselves with more profess頻冷ional integrate紅生d ceiling installat票請ion services.
Four selection methods of去明 aluminum gusset
1. Visual inspect事坐ion, the surface為關 of the board is 如讀flat without scratches or 弟兵other flaws. No bl我為ackening, graying, 日工greening or impurities on快飛 the cross section.
2. Feel, whether the surface is fine an行熱d smooth by hand.
3. Listen to your歌謝 ears. A good alumi制那num gusset is knocked with y錯又our fingers, and the metal 坐關sound is obvious and cr新些isp. The poor sound i拿物s stuffy and the metal信花lic sound is not noticeable.
4. Properly bend by hand, and 在工test whether it can be restore動對d to its origin得都al shape.

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