Internet home im玩月provement is irre慢睡versible, branding ha秒會s become a new trend in the build日外ing materials industry

Release time:

2022-12-28 10:1你工1

"Internet +" h兵內as risen to the nationa我了l strategy, and Inte唱光rnet home improvement has also tak山動en off, grabbing market sha歌銀re of traditional home building mater我線ials companies. The home buildi用船ng materials industry ha站報s also set off an Intern男家et thinking storm. Many big brothers 日南have begun to pay a靜劇ttention to the prospect of the develo術草pment of Internet home improvemen計資t and have made cross-borde到了r layouts. However, whether h年影ome building materials companies can舞看 gain a firm footh飛分old in this field depends on whethe歌見r the enterprises have the ability of s白道ustainable development.
The development trend of connected home還答 improvement is irreve媽土rsible.    

According to incomplete statistic習輛s, there were about 300 ne雪也w Internet home improvement b些新rands in two years, 是兒and 22 companies received fina店林ncing during January-著關October 2016. Capital's a技事ttention has become a lubricant for 草廠the rapid development o章微f Internet home improvement. In a玩樂ddition, the blue ocean of th志聽e home improvement market has also a市科ttracted real estate companies, 行吧public decoration companies, an我開d business giants one after an拍就other. They have t通劇raveled through the Inter木懂net home improvement industr廠藍y through various pos刀微tures such as investment, merg員員ers and acquisitions, or strategic co短村operation, trying to get a sh劇她are.

In addition to the above, recently木吃 the supply chain end of the 地個upstream industry in the home improve頻很ment industry has als民說o started to stir. 歌就After the Internet hom關河e improvement co遠機ncept was launched, home buil年事ding materials c雜道ompanies have added new channels o如話n the basis of 房水the original dealers and agent秒議s, and some building mater吃筆ial brands have entered the marke中訊t with heavy funds. Dongpeng金海 joined hands with Yua到他nhe Holdings and Davi門厭d to participate in the round A fina理線ncing of the home improvement E stat笑志ion; Huanai Home and Aopu joi男風ntly invested tens of millions of yua議中n in the market務機 renovation field; Yihua Life Investmen冷土t has built a “Y + Ecology”都多, etc. . Of course, there are also她這 high-profile building mater中費ial companies that are not att高謝racted by the Internet and ho嗎地ld frequent press conference訊問s.
Building materials home brand'說月s self-hematopoiesis is strengthening票學

In fact, when the home building mate大音rials brand was attacked by熱長 the Internet, it actu司中ally had little impact on some en間說terprises. For ex微煙ample, custom cabinets訊西 have strong personalized design attrib會科utes and cannot produc樂要e large-scale production. 在器The furniture and home appliance ret飛廠ail industry has already 草商been on the marketing network票要. On the expansion of e-c們森ommerce channels, Internet h木弟ome improvement can affect m哥線ore companies with s章吧tandardized product attributes, such as朋訊 wooden doors, flooring, and sanitar大好y ware. In the downturn of r路司eal estate in the upstream industry, th紙術e main income of Daya Shengxia熱拿ng was reduced d水花ue to the divestiture of packaging and那房 wheel business錯靜, and the original business such as朋笑 doors, flooring and other decora國高tive building materials industries con舞坐tinued to rise.

Of course, the growth of building mat師高erials and home furnishings 著靜also cannot be c到多ontrolled by macro factor內照s, including the promotion of urbaniz月生ation and the rise of the 你拿number of hardcover ho離雪uses; the increase of small and medium慢門-sized houses i農林n cities; the public's awarenes哥門s of space utili風數zation; and the imp木醫act of second-born pol購匠icies. And the consump朋窗tion upgrade promot男雪es the users' awareness of the媽有 first-line brand of bui鐵數lding materials, and the s車錢elf-blood-making abili不對ty of building materi妹老als household bra我又nds is also strengthen上間ing.
Brand building has become a new t了舞rend in the buildin會對g materials ind議務ustry

It is not the In事玩ternet that is really subverting the 拍請home improvement industry, 笑藍but the compression of its gross pro但到fit space. Compared with oth體坐er industries, the gr章相oss profit of househ房店old building mate那中rials is relatively high. In line w門一ith market rules,舊空 the gross profit should be controlled討知 within 20%, but th哥村e gross profit margin間舊 of the entire industry is between 來影30% -40%.

At this stage, a number of building兒多 material brands車謝 will still voice their vo光風ices in the industry to shape their ow人錯n brand influence. For those dealers a店務ffected by the In窗鐵ternet, their profits hav輛爸e been compressed. Enterprises need to快都 strengthen the control木月 of the distribution system and activel山麗y change to service prov習喝iders. Slowly boil ins計相tead of rushing for quick success, in a內笑ddition to giving the dealers a buffe謝讀r time, but also g什舊iving the company tim懂這e to balance th理畫e interest relationship betw校亮een the two.

But at least one thing is certain. W習吧ith the expansion of Internet ho票又me improvement cities, the生舞 sales volume may far exceed些行 the expectations of building 信鐘material manufact女雨urers. Under the condition 什要that the interests of dealers are n西鄉ot infringed, bui金資lding materials manufacturers will also房懂 rely on their own branding to appro資新priately increase Shipment p分白rice approach to the Internet home impr歌海ovement market, brand building has 花內become a new trend in the building ma對拍terials industry.物地 In addition, consumers are becoming mo女文re aware of the brand, an畫些d manufacturers are broader in 在暗their channels. The second and thi藍哥rd tier building明綠 materials brands may fa技訊ce market obsolescence. What needs to b雨生e done now is to銀見 strengthen service awa家街reness in the original business答商 and to build reputation. Knowled愛熱ge of regional con兵生sumption habits to innovate p請司roducts, strengthen the sales capabilit的很ies of existing channels, and become a 下些local snake. Rather than complaining in和線 confusion, it is better to explode in明煙 wandering.

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