
China has become很月 the world's largest produ玩又cer and exporter of aluminum-pl議女astic panels

In the late 1960s, Germany d化北eveloped this new呢房 type of metal curtain wall materi樹著al, aluminum-plastic composite board,日劇 and established a large-sca紅中le production enterprise. With the ad城制vent of aluminum-plastic co白筆mposite panels, with its ex綠姐cellent materials, ri子樂ch colors, easy 友行transportation, easy proces時關sing and molding, continuous producti數藍on at scale and super事習ior cost performance,水視 it has opened up a n道土ew world of modern archite信市ctural decoration.

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Aluminum gusset is not thick, c看能are about material and texture

The integrated 學睡ceiling is an integration of the fo農物ur functions of heating, ventila西的tion, lighting, and metal志東 ceilings, that is, the install商頻ation of heating, ventilation,了飛 lighting, sound effe街看cts in the kitchen a姐什nd bathroom, and metal ceiling inst都西allation in one step, all 喝坐by the manufacturer

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Decoration: Constru他錢ction and acceptance of aluminum ceili們關ngs

The aluminum ceiling has two i音上nstallation methods: light 務冷steel keel and wooden squar筆行e keel, because the wooden square冷兒 will be deformed by the飛員 influence of temperature and humi秒唱dity. (Look at 空坐the solid wood floor 腦弟and door of your home in wet 體麗summer and dry in winter. T月坐he weather's deformation de長知gree, everyone knows)知那.

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Internet home improv術為ement is irreversible子請, branding has 身腦become a new tren們錯d in the building materials industry

"Internet +" has 煙作risen to the national s近秒trategy, and Internet home improvemen城自t has also take地學n off, grabbing秒工 market share of t光藍raditional home building materials com是風panies. The home building material玩好s industry has also set off an Internet年朋 thinking storm.

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