Browse factory

Guangmei aluminum plastic plate

Guangmei aluminum分科 plastic plate

Guangmei aluminum curtain wall veneer CNC bending machine

Guangmei aluminum curtain w藍民all veneer CNC b和聽ending machine

Curtain wall sheet metal production process

Curtain wall sheet metal頻門 production proce錯坐ss

Production and processing process of aluminum veneer

Production and processing厭東 process of aluminum 放市veneer

Fully automatic CNC turret punch

Fully automatic CNC turret punc很雪h

Company office building

Company office building

Outside view of the factory

Outside view of the factory

Factory gate

Factory gate

Outside scene and road in front of the company

Outside scene and road in front of the樂自 company

Avenue outside the company plant

Avenue outside the他這 company plant

Roads outside the company plant

Roads outside the company pl國員ant

Company doorplate wall

Company doorplate wall

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